Friday 21 May 2010

Learn More About Fuel Saving Products

With the continual rise of gas prices it has become a wise decision to buy a car that saves fuel. A statistic says that as many as fifteen percent of car buyers reject a certain car model because they are not satisfied with its fuel saving features. Even more, some consumers rule out from the very beginner certain car models, such as SUVs, because they have very poor gas mileage.

Advice on how to improve gas mileage can be found almost anywhere - magazines, web sites, etc.- but can you really turn them into an everyday habit? Will you be able to drive slower every day or maintain the same speed at all time or use air conditioning to the minimum because it is known that fuel consumption will be increased . Of course, changing the oil and the air filters on a regular basis will ensure an improved gas mileage, but fuel saving won't be spectacular and these procedures are not cost-free. Therefore, more and more consumers turn to a product which saves fuel.

The fuel saving products on the market fall into several categories. One of them is gas additives. It is based on a very sound mechanism and it's very effective as far as costs are concerned. Its efficiency has been demonstrated scientifically and when using such a fuel saving product, you needn't worry about low performance or increased exhaust emissions or short engine life anymore.

The testing of these fuel saving products is done according to established standards. Not only don't they have a negative effect on the environment, but they are actually environment-friendly. How do these products work? The process is quite simple. The hydrocarbons in the gas have the tendency to curl up and form clusters, making it impossible for the oxygen to reach the fuel entirely. For this reason, the gas hydrocarbons burn only partially and what isn't burned will result into exhaust emissions. The fuel saving products work to ease this process and make exhaust emissions lower.

Fuel saving additives can be found in shops or on the Internet. Regardless of the form they come in, that is liquid or solid, s tablets, they share a characteristic, which is that every product which saves fuel needs to be added when filling up the gas tank. Like many other products in the field, fuel savings products need to be used several times before their effects will become apparent. It is also important that you stick to same fuel saving product and remember that the effects will be obvious only after several fill-ups of your tank.

Fuel saving products improve the maneuverability of your car and the drivability of your engine because they release the engines components in general and the fuel injectors in particular of any possible deposits, while others provide the fuel system of your car with moisture.

A product that saves fuel is most likely to have been tested and registered so it' s safe to use, but you have to make sure that these conditions are fulfilled. The fuel system of your vehicle will definitely not be harmed and you can relax about the exhaust emissions as well, because a fuel saving product will certainly not increase them. Tests of the products can be done in independent labs but that doesn't make them less reliable. The most common way to test a product which saves fuel is to compare the test results on the same car, tests which has been performed with and without a fuel saving gas additive.

An effective way to ensure low fuel consumption is to make changes in your driver behavior. However, since this will most certainly not be enough, your satisfaction is guaranteed with a fuel saving product.

For more saving fuel details or related subjects about saves fuel and even about fuel saving please visit this website

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Monday 10 May 2010

10 Ways You Can Be More Environmentally Friendly

If you're looking to be more environmentally friendly, and help to save the planet, as well as money then here's what you can do.

1. If you recycle as much as you can, you'll be reducing the amount of rubbish that is sent to landfill. In addition, fewer trees and other raw materials will be needed, which is a good thing.

2. You can use less electricity if you think about. By turning off appliances that don't need to be on standby, unplugging laptop, phone and games console chargers as well as lights when you're not in the room, you won't use as much electricity, which means your bill will be less too.

3. By planning your journeys, and driving carefully, you can use significantly less petrol and diesel too. If you don't really need to make a journey, or you can combine it with another journey you can be more economical and get more miles per gallon, and more miles per tank of fuel.

4. You might prefer to walk short distances, rather than taking the car. As well as being better for the environment, you'll get some fresh air and exercise too.

5. Why not use public transport instead of driving? You might want to try the bus or the train, and see if you can save time and money, as well as the planet.

6. Maybe you'll ride your bike more. Perhaps you could easily cycle to work, or take it on the train with you. For short journeys that might have needed the car, why not take your bike and feel the benefits of fresh air and exercise. You'll soon feel better and get fitter too.

7. By flying less you can dramatically reduce your carbon footprint. Why not see if you can use technology so that you can have meetings face to face via the internet, so that you don't have to fly thousands of miles, and using all that fuel?

8. Why not find out how to donate your unwanted goods rather than throwing them away. Why not advertise them and see if people will take them off your hands. Perhaps someone will be grateful for your old TV or hi-fi, or your 3 piece suite.

9. Do you really need and use everything you buy? Why not stop to think whether you really do need the latest gadgets, or fashions, or whether going out every night is a good use of your money? Because you're buying less, you'll reduce the need for as much packaging, and transportation of goods. Even if you only do a little bit, it's better than nothing.

10. If you can then why gently encourage others to help the planet. Rather than preaching to them, you might want to explain the benefits of recycling or the consequences of relying too much on fossil fuels.

Now you know more about what you can do, perhaps now is the time for your to do your bit to save the planet.

Find out more about what you can do for the Environment, and how other people are going green, at today. If you're looking for more hints and tips about how to lead a greener life, why not find out more by reading the Eco Warrior Blog

Article Source:

Thursday 6 May 2010

Check the Tread and Pressure of Your Tyres to Stay Safe on the Road

Our tyres are critical components of our cars, they are what both drive us forward and bring us to a controlled stop. If there are any problems with our tyres such as a puncture or lack of tread, the consequences can be life threatening, like failing to stop the vehicle in time. It's therefore vital that we keep an eye on the condition of all four tyres whenever we take to the road. On longer trips you may want to inflate your tyres and give them a quick check for punctures or nails embedded in your wheels. Motoring experts have suggested that, if you drive regularly such as commuting to work then you should ideally be checking your tyres every week.

A severely deflated tyre can sometimes be pretty obvious to spot from the way your car is sitting in your driveway, normally off to one side. Slight drops in tyre pressure can make your car work harder in order to move, and this could lead to burning up fuel at a quicker rate. Air pumps at petrol stations are good ways to accurately fill your tyres but having a foot pump or one that operates off of your cigarette lighter are handy bits of kit to keep in your car boot.

As well as making sure that your tyres are properly inflated you need to keep an eye on the tread depth and coverage. Your tyres are legally required to have a minimum of 1.6mm of tread depth across the central 75% of the tyre surface that comes into contact with the road. Failure to meet this requirement is not only illegal but can also hamper your cars ability to maintain traction with the road. This can be very dangerous as the loss of tyre grip in adverse weather can be like driving in ice skates, and will severely affect your braking abilities as well as the cars handling in general.

You should also bear in mind the condition of your spare tyre, if your spare is kept underneath the vehicle instead of inside a recess in the boot, be aware that it will be exposed to the elements and may get damaged over time. You may want to buy a cover or wrap a plastic sheet around it to make sure nothing damages the tyre for when you will need it. If you get in to a routine of checking your tyres regularly, then you will notice any developing damage or problems which could prevent breakdowns, collisions and other accidents.

Whether you are after a new or used car make sure you consider all car finance options such as car credit before buying, you may be able to afford a safer, modern car that will keep you safe on the road.

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