Wednesday 13 January 2010

How to Save Money at the Petrol Pump

You may be surprised to find that there are many ways which you can help yourself to cut down the cost of running your car. But we are not talking about shopping around for car insurance or trading in your flashy sports model for a little run-around - we are talking about fuel!

By paying a little attention to your car and treating it correctly you can save money at the petrol pumps. Here are some excellent tips to help you get on top and start cutting down on the cost of your fuel.

First of all, make sure that you get your engine tuned on a regular basis. By keeping your engine in tip-top shape you can help to save yourself money. The most important part when it comes to saving on fuel this way is the oxygen sensor, this alone can increase or decrease your car’s efficiency by as much as 40%.

Always make sure that you keep an eye on your tyres. A once a week check is ideal. Inflate them when necessary as under inflated tyres force your car to work harder on the road. So always make sure that when you fill up your car that the tyres are optimal for the recommended pounds per square inch.

Using the right motor oil in our car can help to save you money too. Using the correct motor oil can help to make your car run much more efficiently which in turn saves you money.

Getting rid of any extra weight that doesn’t need to be in your car can help greatly to reduce the amount of fuel which your car uses. So this means that its time to clear out the boot of your car and get rid of the junk!

Finally, sign up to a website that has fuel price alerts - they can tell you the cheapest fuel prices near to your postcode.

Louis Rix is Director of, one of the UK's leading motoring websites. Established in 2000, its mission is to become the UK's number one site for used car searches and motoring information. Netcars also provide car loans, finance and insurance and car data checks.

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The gas prices are out of this world! Many families cant afford last years gas prices and now with gas prices exceeding 5.00 in many cities families are forced to cut back and live frugal.There is hardly any cities left that have gas prices for less than 4.00 a gallon.It costs Americans tons of money to fill up there economy cars.

What can be done to save money on gasoline now? There's no immediate simple answer to address this. One method to be honest is to walk around and work out more.Instead of driving your gas guzzling suv 6 blocks down the road go ahead and save gas and take a brisk walk and get in shape.If you commute to work,try carpooling to save tons on gas.If you and a few others use one car to drive and split the cost with everyone that carpools with you that will add up greatly.

You can always trade in your 6 or 8 cylinder vehicle for a gas sipping 4 cylinder economy car.They can get mid 30's to 40 mpg on the highway and are very inexpensive to maintain.Always do regular tune ups and flush your fluids according to its maintenance schedule.A clean motor will save more gas than a car that has been using the same oil and filters for past 3000 miles.

One popular method that Americans are turning to save money on gasoline is to convert your car to run on a water/gas mixture.Water can be found anywhere and you can safely carry it with you on your vehicle.

This content is provided by Danny Sanchez. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on this topic, and how to save on gasoline,get free psp,xbox 360,ps3 games,and free tv,please visit

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